Bariatric Surgery Safe In Patients Over 60

Bariatric surgery is widely known as the most effective treatment for obesity. Surgery not only helps patients lose weight, but can also make a significant impact in related diseases, such as diabetes, sleep apnea and hypertension. Unfortunately, patients who suffer from these conditions are frequently in the older age groups, and are hesitant to pursue bariatric surgery for safety concerns.

Bariatric Surgery Study

A new study in the journal Obesity Surgery helps to shed some of these fears about safety. Patients over the age of 60 who underwent laparoscopic gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery were compared to younger patients with similar weights and medical problems who also underwent surgery. Older patients were not found to have a significant increase in complications or hospital readmission rates, and were able to achieve similar weight loss. While Lap-Band surgery has been a popular choice for some older patients due to its safety profile, this study shows that the gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures may be safely considered for some patients as well.

Drs. Keith Wright and Gerardo Carcamo with South Texas Surgeons have a vast experience treating patients of all age groups with bariatric surgery, and are happy to address any of your safety concerns. Call us at 210-220-1726 to attend a seminar or arrange a consultation.


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